Monday, March 19, 2007

Humble House

We have a house! Humble House! Right in the downtown area. The doors open Wednesday, March 21. God opened the doors....all we have to do is pay the utilities each month. Of course, we will have expenses as far as the guys are concerned. Twelve men! It's a Recovery, Re-entry, and Restoration Center. We already have four guys beating down the doors, ready to get in. All needing recovery and sobriety. These are exciting times. The coaching classes on Tuesday evenings are growing in numbers as well as growing spiritually. I'm school teacher by day and Coach by night. My wife, Sheridan, and I have been reading Matthew Barnett's book, The Church That Never Sleeps. God sent him to downtown Los Angeles to open a church and disciple people. Now, God is sending us to downtown Temple to do the same.

It's all about being real. Having a Jesus heart. It's about wanting to make a difference and it's about fulfilling His Great Commission. Few in the traditional church are hungry to grow, but the streets are full of people who are grateful for spiritual food. First, we have to feed the stomach and then the heart.

My partner in the faith, Steve Neatherland, has been housing men in his own home. His Thursdays Conquering Chemical Dependency meetings have been growing. New people every meeting. He and I would love to see another house come open for women.

I'm working on a recovery manual called The Truth Will Set You Free. I have five truths that help us get free from any addictive behaviors. Knowing these truths is what makes the difference.

  1. God loves and accepts me.
  2. I have God's joy and peace.
  3. I live in God's blessing and favor.
  4. I live by God's power and provision.
  5. I have God's guidance and wisdom.

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