Monday, November 05, 2007

What's A Disciple?

What's a disciple? Well, a simple way to put it is that a disciple is a follower. Who does the follower follow? Well, a true follower of Jesus follows the Holy Spirit. So, we can know if we are truly disciples if we are following the Holy Spirit. Am I following me, my plans, my way? Is it all about what I want, where I am, what I need, what I like?

Seems to me, it should be about what Holy Spirit wants, likes, thinks, plans, and needs. Hmmm. Maybe I have this discipleship thing all backwards. Maybe it's not so much about me studying my Bible, praying, witnessing, tithing, and ministering as I think fit. Maybe it's about getting in behind Jesus (Holy Spirit) and just doing and saying as He leads.

Oh come on, that sounds too easy. Just stay in behind Christ and do nothing unless He says so? Hey, that might work!

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